Yohane Commands (In-Game)

This commands will help you from in-game

General Commands

General Commands

!faq list

To view a list of faq (fun commands)

!subscribe pp [options]

Notify about pp status, options : set,get,unset,toggle

!roll [number]

Fun command for rolling random numbers


To report a user

!scoreboard <relax/vanilla>

Sort your ingame leaderboards to SCORE

!ppboard <relax/vanilla>

Sort your ingame leaderboards to PP

Admin Commands

Admin Commands

!system restart

Restart the server (DEV only)

!system status

View system status (DEV only)

!system reload

Reload server to the current settings (DEV only)

!system maintenance on/off

Lock server for maintenance (DEV only)

!moderated on/off

Let you on duty (Required Mod or Higher)

!silence <unit (s/m/h/d)>

Silence user (Required Mod or Higher)

!removesilence <target>

Remove silence

!kick <username>

Kick user from server

!ban <username> <reason>

Banned user from server

!restrict <username> <reason>

Restrict user from server

!unban <username>

Unban user from server

!unrestrict <username>

Unrestrict user from server

!alert <message>

Global alert

!alertuser <username>

Alert to the user

Beatmap Nominator Commands

Beatmap Nominator Commands

!map rank [type] <id>

Rank the map

!map love [type] <id>

Love the map

!map unrank [type] <id>

Unrank the map

!map reset [type] <id>

Reset status of the map

!map auto-rank <id>

Can only be set by someone permitted to manage autoranks

!map auto-love <id>

Can only be set by someone permitted to manage autoranks

!map auto-cancel <id>

Can only be set by someone permitted to manage autoranks

Type :

  • set = uses mapset ID to retrieve data.

  • set-of = uses map ID to get a list of maps with the mapset ID from the given map ID.

  • map = uses map ID to retrive data.

Last updated

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